Expert Guide: How To Wake A Newborn

Tamzid Ahmed

Expert Guide How To Wake A Newborn

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Welcoming a newborn into your family is an incredibly special moment, filled with love, excitement, and, of course, sleepless nights. While newborns are known for their seemingly endless slumber, there are times when you may need to wake them, whether it’s for feeding, diaper changes, or simply to establish a daytime routine. However, waking a newborn requires a delicate approach to ensure their comfort and well-being. In this expert guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about how to wake a newborn effectively and safely.

Understanding how to wake a newborn Sleep Pattern

Understanding how to wake a newborn Sleep Pattern

Before diving into the strategies for how to wake a newborn, it’s essential to understand their sleep patterns. Newborns typically sleep for 14 to 17 hours a day, often in short bursts of two to four hours at a time. Their sleep-wake cycles are not fully developed, meaning they may have difficulty distinguishing between day and night. Additionally, newborns have small stomachs and need to feed frequently, which can disrupt their sleep.

With this understanding, let’s explore the circumstances in which you might need to wake your newborn and how to do so gently.

  1. Establishing a Feeding Schedule:

One of the primary reasons for waking a newborn is to ensure they receive adequate nourishment. During the first few weeks of life, newborns require frequent feedings to support their rapid growth and development. Pediatricians often recommend feeding newborns every two to three hours, even if it means waking them from sleep. Knowing how to wake a newborn for feeding can be crucial for their health.

To wake your newborn for a feeding

To wake your newborn for a feeding

  • Gently Stroke Their Cheek: Use your fingertips to stroke your baby’s cheek lightly. This can trigger their rooting reflex, causing them to turn towards your hand and open their mouth.
  • Change Their Diaper: Sometimes, the sensation of a wet or soiled diaper can rouse a sleeping newborn. Changing their diaper before a feeding can help wake them up.
  • Undress Them: Removing layers of clothing can help your baby feel more alert and ready to feed.
  • Talk Softly: Engage your newborn with gentle, soothing words to help them transition from sleep to wakefulness.

By incorporating these gentle techniques on how to wake a newborn, you can ensure they get the nutrition they need without causing unnecessary stress or discomfort.

  1. Monitoring Weight Gain

Weight gain is an important indicator of a newborn’s health and well-being. Pediatricians often recommend monitoring your baby‘s weight closely during the early weeks and months of life. If your newborn is not gaining weight as expected, your healthcare provider may advise waking them for additional feedings to ensure they’re getting enough milk or formula. Learning how to wake a newborn for weight monitoring can be vital for their growth.

When waking your newborn to monitor weight gain

When waking your newborn to monitor weight gain

  • Follow a Feeding Schedule: Stick to a consistent feeding schedule, even if it means waking your baby from sleep.
  • Use a Timer: Set a timer to remind yourself when it’s time for the next feeding. This can help ensure that your baby is eating frequently enough to support healthy growth.
  • Track Diaper Output: Pay attention to your baby’s wet and soiled diapers as an indication of adequate feeding. A well-fed newborn should have several wet diapers a day.

By prioritizing regular feedings and monitoring your baby’s weight gain, you can promote their overall health and development, understanding how to wake a newborn as part of this routine.

  1. Encouraging Daytime Wakefulness:

As newborns adjust to life outside the womb, they may need help establishing a daytime routine. Encouraging wakefulness during the day can help differentiate between day and night, leading to more consolidated sleep patterns over time. Knowing how to wake a newborn during the day can support this adjustment.

To promote daytime wakefulness in your newborn

To promote daytime wakefulness in your newborn

  • Expose Them to Natural Light: Open the curtains or take your baby for a short walk outside during daylight hours. Natural light can help regulate their internal clock and promote wakefulness during the day.
  • Engage in Gentle Stimulation: Interact with your baby through gentle play, cuddling, or baby massage. These activities can help keep your newborn alert and engaged during waking hours.
  • Limit Daytime Naps: While newborns need plenty of sleep, limiting daytime naps to two to three hours at a time can help prevent them from sleeping too deeply and interfering with nighttime sleep.

By creating a stimulating yet calm environment during the day, you can help your newborn establish healthy sleep-wake patterns, making how to wake a newborn during the day an important skill.

  1. Addressing Medical Concerns:

In some cases, waking a newborn may be necessary due to medical concerns or special circumstances. If your baby was born premature or has specific health issues, your healthcare provider may recommend waking them for additional feedings or monitoring. Understanding how to wake a newborn in these situations is crucial.

If you need to wake your newborn for medical reasons

If you need to wake your newborn for medical reasons

  • Follow Your Doctor’s Advice: Consult with your pediatrician or neonatologist for guidance on waking your baby safely and effectively.
  • Monitor Vital Signs: Keep a close eye on your baby’s vital signs, including breathing rate, heart rate, and temperature, especially if they have underlying health conditions.
  • Seek Support: If you’re unsure about how to wake your newborn in a medical context, don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider or a lactation consultant for assistance.

By prioritizing your baby’s health and well-being, you can navigate medical concerns with confidence and care, knowing exactly how to wake a newborn when needed.


Waking a newborn requires a gentle and thoughtful approach to ensure their comfort and well-being. Whether you’re waking your baby for feeding, monitoring weight gain, or establishing a daytime routine, it’s essential to prioritize their needs while respecting their natural sleep patterns. Learning how to wake a newborn is an invaluable part of early parenting.

By incorporating gentle techniques such as stroking their cheek, changing their diaper, and engaging in soothing interactions, you can wake your newborn effectively and safely. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for guidance, especially if you have concerns about your baby’s health or development.

With patience, care, and a deep understanding of your newborn’s needs, you can navigate the journey of early parenthood with confidence and love. Knowing how to wake a newborn is just one of the many skills you’ll master as you grow with your baby.

Remember, waking a newborn is a temporary phase, and before you know it, they’ll be waking you up with their infectious giggles and endless curiosity.

Happy parenting!

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