How to Make a Baby Villager Grow Up Faster in Minecraft

Tania Akter

how to make a baby villager grow up faster

Minecraft, the sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios, allows players to explore, build, and interact in a vast, blocky world. One of the most charming and essential aspects of the game is the presence of villagers. Villagers are passive mobs that inhabit villages and have various professions, providing valuable resources and trades to players. Villagers also reproduce, resulting in baby villagers. If you’re looking to expedite the growth process of baby villagers, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will delve into how to make a baby villager grow up faster in Minecraft.

Understanding Villager Breeding

Understanding Villager Breeding

Before diving into the methods to speed up the growth of baby villagers, it’s important to understand how villager breeding works. Villagers need three essential components to breed:

  1. Willingness: Villagers must be willing to breed. This willingness is influenced by the availability of food items like bread, carrots, potatoes, and beetroots. Feeding these to villagers increases their willingness to breed.
  2. Beds: For breeding to occur, there must be at least one bed per villager plus one additional bed for the baby villager.
  3. Proximity: Villagers need to be close to each other to breed. When they are near each other and willing, they will produce a baby villager.

Growth Time for Baby Village

Growth Time for Baby Villagers

In Minecraft, a baby villager typically takes 20 minutes (or one in-game day) to grow into an adult. While this time isn’t too long in the grand scheme of the game, there are scenarios where you might want to speed up this process. Here are the best strategies for how to make a baby villager grow up faster.

1. Utilizing Ticking Areas

One of the effective methods for how to make a baby villager grow up faster is to ensure that the area where the baby villager is located is always loaded. This can be achieved by setting up ticking areas. Ticking areas keep specific chunks of the game world loaded even when you are far away, ensuring that the baby villager continues to grow.

2. Providing Ample Food

As mentioned earlier, villagers need food to become willing to breed, but food also plays a role in the growth of baby villagers. While feeding baby villagers directly doesn’t speed up their growth, ensuring that adult villagers in the vicinity have plenty of food helps maintain a healthy and productive village environment. This, in turn, keeps the villagers breeding and baby villagers growing.

3. Proper Lighting

Villagers are influenced by the light level around them. Ensuring that your village is well-lit can contribute to the overall well-being and activity level of the villagers. While lighting doesn’t directly speed up the growth of baby villagers, it creates a more conducive environment for villagers to breed and operate efficiently.

4. Limiting Interactions

Sometimes, over-interacting with villagers can disrupt their natural routines, including the growth of baby villagers. Allowing villagers to carry out their daily tasks without interruption can ensure that the baby villagers grow up within the standard time frame. Avoid constantly trading or interacting with villagers during the baby’s growth period.

5. Utilizing Mods and Plugins

For those who play Minecraft on modded servers or with plugins, there are specific mods and plugins designed to alter villager behavior, including the growth rate of baby villagers. Mods like “Village Info” or plugins like “FastGrowth” can be configured to change the growth rate, allowing you to make a baby villager grow up faster according to your preferences.

6. Employing Minecarts

A lesser-known method on how to make a baby villager grow up faster involves using minecarts. Placing baby villagers in minecarts and moving them around can keep them within loaded chunks and simulate a more active environment. This constant movement might trick the game’s mechanics into processing their growth faster. However, this method can be a bit tedious and is more of an experimental approach.

7. Building an Efficient Village

Creating an efficient village setup can indirectly influence the growth rate of baby villagers. Ensuring that your village has enough beds, workstations, and resources can lead to a more productive and active villager population. An organized village where villagers can perform their tasks without obstruction creates an environment conducive to growth and productivity.

8. Avoiding Nighttime Attacks

Keeping your village safe from nighttime attacks by zombies and other hostile mobs is crucial. A disrupted village environment can slow down the overall productivity and growth of baby villagers. Using fences, lighting, and iron golems can help protect your villagers and maintain a stable growth environment.

9. Understanding Game Mechanics

Familiarizing yourself with the underlying game mechanics can give you insights into how to manipulate the game to your advantage. Knowing how chunks load, how villagers pathfind, and the intricacies of villager AI can help you create an optimal setup for faster growth.

Practical Example of an Efficient Village Setup

Practical Example of an Efficient Village Setup

To put the aforementioned strategies into practice, let’s walk through the setup of an efficient village designed to maximize the growth rate of baby villagers.

  1. Location: Choose a flat area with ample space to build your village. This ensures easy expansion and organization.
  2. Housing: Build several houses with enough beds for all villagers, plus extra beds for baby villagers.
  3. Lighting: Place torches or other light sources throughout the village to maintain a high light level.
  4. Food Supply: Create farms or food distribution systems to ensure that villagers always have access to food.
  5. Protection: Build a perimeter fence or wall around the village to protect against hostile mobs. Place iron golems for added security.
  6. Ticking Areas: Use the ticking area command to keep the village loaded even when you are far away.
  7. Activity Centers: Place workstations like lecterns, composters, and smithing tables to give villagers jobs and keep them active.


In conclusion, understanding how to make a baby villager grow up faster in Minecraft involves a combination of game mechanics, environmental factors, and strategic planning. By utilizing ticking areas, providing ample food, ensuring proper lighting, and avoiding excessive interactions, you can create an optimal environment for villager growth. Additionally, employing mods and plugins, using minecarts, and building an efficient village setup can further enhance the growth rate of baby villagers.

Creating a well-organized and protected village not only speeds up the growth of baby villagers but also enhances your overall gameplay experience. With these strategies in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to make baby villagers grow up faster and enjoy the full benefits of a thriving village in Minecraft.

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