When To Do Newborn Photos: Capturing Precious Moments

Tamzid Ahmed

When To Do Newborn Photos

Bringing a newborn into the world is a life-changing event, filled with joy, love, and new experiences. As a parent, you want to remember every detail of your baby’s first days. One of the best ways to preserve these fleeting moments is through newborn photography. Knowing when to do newborn photos is crucial to ensuring you capture your baby in their most peaceful and adorable state. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the optimal timing for newborn photos, what to expect during a session, and tips for preparing for a successful photoshoot.

when to do newborn photos: Why Timing is Important

Newborns change rapidly in their first few weeks of life. They grow, become more alert, and their features start to change. Capturing them at the right time can make a significant difference in the photos. Typically,  the best time to do newborn photos is within the first two weeks of life, specifically between days 5 and 14. During this period, babies are usually sleepier and more likely to curl up in those adorable poses we all love.

The Best Time for Newborn Photos: The First 14 Days

The Best Time for Newborn Photos The First 14 Days

  1. Days 1-5: While it might seem tempting to have photos taken immediately after birth, it’s usually better to wait a few days. In the first few days, both mother and baby are adjusting to their new environment. Babies might still have some swelling or redness, and mothers need time to recover from childbirth.
  2. Days 5-10: This is often considered the ideal window. Babies at this stage are still very sleepy, making it easier to position them in those sweet, curled-up poses. They also haven’t yet developed baby acne or begun to peel, which can sometimes happen after the first week.
  3. Days 10-14: While still within the ideal timeframe, babies around this age start to stretch out more and may become a bit more alert. However, they are still generally cooperative and can be posed without much fuss.

when to do newborn photos: Beyond Two Weeks

If you miss the two-week window, don’t worry! You can still capture beautiful photos of your baby. After two weeks, babies tend to be more awake and may not curl up as naturally. However, photographers can still capture beautiful images that highlight your baby’s personality and growing awareness of their surroundings.

Planning Your Newborn Photoshoot

Planning Your Newborn Photoshoot

When planning when to do newborn photos, it’s important to book your session well in advance, preferably during your second trimester. Newborn photographers often book up quickly, and having your session scheduled ahead of time ensures you don’t miss this precious opportunity.

Choosing a Photographer

Selecting the right photographer is crucial. Look for a professional who specializes in newborn photography. These photographers are skilled in handling newborns safely and know how to create a comfortable environment for both baby and parents. Check their portfolio to ensure their style matches your vision. Reading reviews and asking for recommendations can also help in making your decision.

Preparing for the Session

  1. Location: Decide whether you want the photoshoot to take place in a studio or in the comfort of your home. Studio sessions typically offer more controlled lighting and props, while home sessions can provide a more personalized and relaxed setting.
  2. Timing: Schedule the session during a time when your baby is usually sleepy. Morning sessions are often ideal since babies tend to be more settled after a good night’s rest.
  3. Feeding: Ensure your baby is well-fed before the session to keep them content and sleepy. You might also need to take breaks for feeding and soothing during the shoot.
  4. Outfits and Props: Discuss with your photographer what outfits and props you’d like to use. Simple, soft clothing and minimal props often work best to keep the focus on your baby. Many photographers provide a variety of props, but you can also bring sentimental items to include in the photos.

During the Photoshoot

During the Photoshoot

A newborn photoshoot can last anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. This allows plenty of time for feeding, changing, and soothing the baby. Patience is key; newborn photography requires a gentle and unhurried approach to ensure the best results.

Posing and Safety

Safety is the top priority during a newborn photoshoot. Professional photographers are trained to pose babies in ways that are safe and comfortable. They use techniques like supporting the baby’s head and neck and ensuring that the baby is never in an unsafe position. Many poses are achieved through composite images, where the photographer takes multiple shots and edits them together to create the perfect picture while keeping the baby safe.

Capturing the Details

Close-up shots of tiny hands, feet, and facial features are a must in newborn photography. These details are precious and fleeting, and capturing them helps create a complete picture of your baby’s early days. Discuss with your photographer any specific shots you’d like to include.

After the Photoshoot

Once the photoshoot is over, the photographer will typically provide a selection of edited images for you to choose from. This can take a few weeks, depending on the photographer’s workload. Take your time selecting the images that best capture your baby’s personality and the emotions of this special time.

Prints and Albums

Consider how you want to display your newborn photos. Many photographers offer print packages, albums, and digital files. Investing in high-quality prints and albums ensures your photos will last a lifetime and can be shared with future generations.

Tips for a Successful Newborn Photoshoot

Tips for a Successful Newborn Photoshoot

Be Flexible: Babies are unpredictable, and things may not go exactly as planned. Be prepared to go with the flow and trust your photographer’s expertise.

  1. Stay Calm: Babies can sense their parents’ emotions. Staying calm and relaxed can help your baby remain calm too.
  2. Comfort Items: Bring items that can help soothe your baby, such as a favorite blanket, pacifier, or toy.
  3. Backup Plan: Sometimes, despite the best planning, a baby may not be in the mood for photos. Discuss with your photographer a backup plan or rescheduling options.

The Emotional Value of Newborn Photos

Newborn photos are more than just pictures; they are a way to capture the love and emotion of this unique time in your family’s life. These photos can evoke powerful memories and emotions every time you look at them. They also provide a way to share your joy with friends and family, both now and in the future.


Deciding when to do newborn photos is a personal decision, but aiming for the first two weeks of your baby’s life will generally yield the best results. This timeframe captures your baby at their tiniest and sleepiest, allowing for those classic, peaceful poses. By planning ahead, choosing a skilled photographer, and preparing for the session, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience that results in beautiful, timeless images.

Whether you choose a studio or home setting, the key is to capture the essence of your newborn and the joy they bring to your life. These photos will become cherished keepsakes that you and your child will treasure for years to come. So, as you prepare to welcome your little one, take the time to plan for a newborn photoshoot and ensure you capture these fleeting moments that pass all too quickly.

In summary, knowing when to do newborn photos can make all the difference in preserving the precious early days of your baby’s life. From choosing the right photographer to preparing for the session, every detail contributes to creating beautiful and lasting memories. By capturing these moments, you create a timeless record of your baby’s first days that you will cherish forever.

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